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(Q). Find the highest power of 1000 in 1000×1001×1002×1003×………..till 1000 terms.

now 1000 = 10×10×10 = 2³×5³
So to find maximum power of 1000 we need to find maximum power of 5 first & then divide that value by 3 (due to 5³) and Integer part of that value will be the final answer.
Hence highest power of 5 in 

1999!999!5555555555199939979153099919939710H = 496H = 246

∴  Highest power of 5 in \frac{{1999!}}{{999!}} = 496 – 246 = 250
Hence highest power of 5³ in \frac{{1999!}}{{999!}} = \frac{{250}}{3} = 83
Hence highest power of 1000 in Given question = 83 Answer